La ELTON Group ne propunem să ne sprijinim clienții oferindu-le un portofoliu vast de produse, cunoștințe de logistica și consultanță în implementare, în timp ce respectăm deplin toate reglementările și standardele de siguranță.
Our vision at ELTON Group is to be the distributor of choice into the animal feed industry by suppling ingredients and additives of the highest quality that meet our customer’s needs.
At ELTON Group we are dynamically active into the field of Chemical Reagents and Laboratory Equipment (currently for the Greek market), having cultivated a profound expertise and experience in covering utterly the needs of a laboratory with premium safety instruments, marking labels, quantitative and qualitative measurement instrumentation to a vast industrial cluster.
Departamentul Vopsea , Adezivi si Materiale de Construcție al Grupului ELTON, va ofera unul dintre cele mai dinamice și cuprinzătoare portofolii de produse de pe piață, reprezentând lideri mondiali în domeniul chimiei, acoperind majoritatea sectoarelor industriei.
Today’s highly challenging lifestyle has propelled the Dietary Supplements and Functional Food market in a dominant position with significant opportunities and constantly emerging new regulations. At ELTON Group we seek the best ingredients and solutions that will offer our customers the competitive advantage they need.
At ELTON Group, we offer a comprehensive range of raw materials and special additives for production of Elastomer products.
As a distributor of raw materials for Waxes, at ELTON Group we offer extensive solutions for all application techniques and product creation.
As a distributor of raw materials for Waxes, at ELTON Group we offer extensive solutions for all application techniques and product creation.
Since 1981 at ELTON Group, we have established a justified expertise in the Food and Beverages sector, working closely with global industry leaders that allow us to offer premium food ingredients, substantial auxiliary materials, and a wide range of additives.
In a highly dynamic market driven by unyielding safety rules and constantly diversified consumer needs, the demand for innovative products that will capitalize upon the technological advancements in a highly environmentally conscious way, defines today’s market of Home Care and Industrial Cleaning.
La ELTON Group, cooperarea noastră continuă cu liderii internaționali în producția chimică și expertiza noastră dovedită, ne permit să oferim produse chimice avansate într-o gamă largă de industrii active în diverse sectoare.
Distribuția de ingrediente și materii prime pentru piața de îngrijire personală și cosmetice a reprezentat un efort principal pentru ELTON Group din 1981. Parteneriatul nostru strategic de durată cu companii apreciate de producție , împreună cu capacitatea noastră de a aprecia pe deplin puterea și influența pieței specifice asupra igienei, sănătății, bunăstării și încrederii consumatorilor din fiecare țară, se reflectă asupra produselor, suportului tehnic și îndrumarii continue pe care o oferim în toate sectoarele majore.
While pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare companies blend advanced science, global talents, innovation and passion to address global health issues, impacting upon people’s lives, we at ELTON Group strive to provide them with the best possible solutions and ingredients so to create the products the world needs.
At ELTON Group’s Plastics department, we offer a dynamic portfolio that meets the highest quality standards and fully covers the spectrum of all major plastic sectors.
At ELTON Group we cooperate with global production leaders to provide a full range of polyurethane systems alongside with specialized technical support to cover the full breadth of applications.
At ELTON Group we offer advanced support to professionals in the air conditioning and industrial refrigeration sectors (HVAC+R).
La ELTON Group, suntem specializați pe piața de tăbăcării și textile, prin distribuirea unei game extinse de materii prime și aditivi utilizați în toate etapele proceselor de producție, în toate sectoarele majore.
At Water Treatment and Environmental Technologies department of ELTON Group, we offer chemical products and technical support to public and private water treatment plants.
Our strategic partnership with global winemaking and biotechnology ingredients leaders, allows us at ELTON Group to exclusively offer highly innovative products that fulfill the ambitions of winemakers and their consumers.